Portraits by Dhanan Sekhar "CLOUDS" series by Dhanan Sekhar "Tel Aviv drawing" series by Dhanan Sekhar "Till Now " Exhibition's works by Dhanan Sekhar

Saturday, June 28, 2008

[Drawing] "Tel Aviv Scenes" - High way 20 and Azrieli Center, Tel aviv.

Highway 20, with "square" and "circular" towers of Azrieli Center in the background ("triangular" tower not visible).

28 June 2008

Highway 20: Big roads (4 or 5 lines) for both directions, with a canal and 3 railway lines between them..

The never ending roar of cars...

Drawn from the bridge above the highway near to Arlozorov Bus Terminal, Tel Aviv.

See this place on a map

1 comment:

alekzgrande said...

Hey! I thought this was the 110 to the 10 freeway right before you get to theStaples Center in Los Angeles.

Portraits by Dhanan Sekhar "CLOUDS" series by Dhanan Sekhar "Tel Aviv drawing" series by Dhanan Sekhar "Till Now " Exhibition's works by Dhanan Sekhar

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